Change Text Color in Word 2010

Change Font Colors

The text we type comes in black by default. You can always change the color of the font to the color of your choice. It is very easy to change the color of the text by following two simple steps.
 Step :1 Select the part of the text that needs to be resized. You can use any method of text selection to select the text section.
 Step :2 Click the Font Color button triangle to display a list of colors. Try moving your mouse pointer to different colors and you will notice that the color of the text will change automatically. You can select any of the available colors just by clicking on it.
If you click the left side of the Font Color button, the selected color is automatically applied to the text. You need to click on the small triangle to display the list of colors.

If you do not find the color you like, you can use the More colors option to display the color palette box that allows you to select a color from a range of colors.

Highlight Text with Colors

You can highlight any part of the text using any color and it will look as if it has been marked with a high lighter pen. We usually highlight the text using yellow. It is very easy to highlight a part of the text with color by following two simple steps.
Step:1 Select the part of the text that needs to be highlighted with color. You can use any method of text selection to select the text section.
Step: 2 Click on the Text Highlight Color button triangle to display a list of colors. Try moving your mouse pointer to different colors and you will see the text change color automatically. You can select any of the available colors just by clicking on it.
If you click on the left side of the Text Highlight Color button, the selected color is automatically applied to the text part. You need to click on the small triangle to display the list of colors.

Apply Text Effects

Microsoft Word 2010 provides a list of text effects that enhance the beauty of your document, especially the cover page or document titles. It is very easy to apply different effects of text by following two simple steps.
 Step: 1  Select the part of the text you want to convert to bold font. You can use any method of text selection to select the text section.
Step: 2 Click the Text Effects button to display a list of effects, including Shadow, Outline, Glue, Reflection, etc. Try moving your mouse pointer to different effects and you will see that the text effect will change automatically. You can select any of the available text effects by clicking on it.